Meet Stephen Lieberman, M.D.

I am a urologist. I’ve been retired from active practice since 2014. I currently do on-line consults for the M.A.V.E.N. project (, M.A.V.E.N stands for Medical Advice Volunteer Expert Network).

I’ve written 3 books: The first published in 2015 and updated in 2020 is Action Plan: Prostate Cancer, Choosing the right treatment for you. was published in-house by Kaiser Permanente and can be found at

The two books recently completed are A Curious Man’s Guide to Urology: Sex, Stones, Prostate Woes, and More! and A Curious Woman’s Guide to Urology: UTIs, Wet Pants, Stones, and More!

I hope that these books will be of value to any lay person seeking more information about a urologic ailment, whether it be something simple like a kidney cyst or something serious like a cancer of a urologic organ.  I also hope that a primary care clinician might find the books helpful in treating counseling their patients, whether or not they refer that patient to a urologist. Finally, the books may help any practicing urologist who doesn’t have nearly enough time to help patients make shared decisions.

This is a remarkably lucid, beautifully written discussion of all aspects of male urological medical and emotional topics. Anyone reading this book will be well-informed, empowered, and able to engage in a meaningful discussion with his urologist. Dr. Lieberman explains issues in a tremendously helpful, clear manner, with equal amounts of knowledge, sound advice, and charm.

Roger Porter

Professor of English, Emeritus, Reed College

Looking for a good read on some delicate, sometimes embarrassing topics? You’ve found it!

John M. Barry

M.D., Professor of Urology, Professor of Surgery, Division of Abdominal Organ Transplantation, Oregon Health & Science University, Portland, Oregon

Dr. Lieberman is one of the finest clinicians and passionate teachers about everything related to urology. Whether you are a patient or clinician, this book is packed with useful information about the urinary system. You’ll get easy-to-understand answers to the questions you were too afraid to ask. His practical and insightful pearls taught in a conversational style will keep you engaged. 

Jill Enstein

M.D., Senior Director, MAVEN Project

Dr. Lieberman provides straight, unbiased information for common men’s conditions that is easy to read and understand. It’s a great resource. I recommend it to my patients and colleagues.

Dr. Ron Loo

Chief Emeritus, Department of Urology, Southern California Kaiser Permanente Medical Group

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